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The activity of our Center is devoted to the major event of the modern time - to transition of Russia and all mankind to a new epoch - an epoch of development and disclosing the Human Reason.

Scientific breakthrough to the Sixth technical mode has come, the Fifth technical mode based on electronic computer and technical means of material world has remained in the past.

Russia has found, at last, its common national idea - the purpose for future.

The basis of the Sixth technical mode became a dialogue of Man with the huge Information Field managing all animate world of the Earth - with the Noo-sphere (sphere of Reason - a bio-computer), that is, even with the Lord.

Dialogue with sphere of Reason has allowed to reveal its main features. Actually, it is a bio-computer with a capacity in billions times exceeding capacity of all computers functioning in the world.

Now it is possible to solve any scientific, technical, economic or psychological problem. The bio-computer does not need any statistics or any initial data to work on.
All the user of this bio-computer needs to do is just make an inquiry or ask for a multi-criteria (up to 100 criteria) estimation to be carried out.

The old method of trial and error, multiple experiments, scientific researches and multi-variant planning, tests and opinion collection techniques remained in the past as anachronism as well as steam engines and arithmometers are replaced with electronic computers.

According to the inquiry made by the user, the bio-computer gives him economic outlook, prospects for development of a particular industry or science, stocks and transactions for any period of time taking into consideration all future changes of laws, relations in society and politics and so on. The bio-computer can help you to explore the minerals by means of a map without use of geophysical methods of investigation and drilling.

The bio-computer can help to detect faulty mechanisms of any equipment or a complex system, it can also reveal the causes of accidents and catastrophes.

It gives information on intellectual abilities and talents of a person, the state of his health and the dimension of departure of each organ of the body from the norm as well as tells one what caused the disease.

Instead of bringing up featureless professionals, a new educational system based on bio-computer technologies starts to bring up founders and creators whose labour productivity is 700 times higher than the one of present specialists.

The science, economy, production, business can solve any problems, carry out their multi-criteria (up to 100 criteria) estimation.

In our Center due to bio-computer technologies we made number of fundamental discoveries:

  • The ternary model of Man, including a material body, Soul and Reason is formed; working principles and features of Soul and Reason are revealed, the structure of talents (80) and abilities of person is determined, their display is described;

  • The spiritual kernel of such eternal philosophical essences: life, death, existence, resurrection, conscience, trust, hope, love, adultery, happiness, creation, good, evil, health, reason, freedom, harmony is revealed;
  • The purpose of Man's existence (predestination) on the Earth is understood, answers to his eternal questions are found: who he must be? What to do? Where he will be after dying?
  • The causes of majority of illnesses, including incurable, the causes of narcotism, alcoholism and other crapulents are found;
  • The system of training of thinking is developed;
  • A new system of intellectual management of any five-level structure of a republic, region, association or enterprise is developed;
  • A brand new system of feasibility study is developed;
  • A new system of training, selection and certification of personnel is worked out;
  • Methods of exploration of minerals by means of a map without use of geophysical methods of investigation and drilling are developed;
  • A new scientific branch "Geology of intelligence" provides for a search of the most important resources on the Earth: the ingenious and gifted people aspiring to perfection;
  • Bases of essentially new educational system, which is capable to bring up founders and creators, instead of featureless professionals, are developed
As a result of the last ten years the experts of our Center, using bio-computer technologies, have accumulated a huge volume of fundamental knowledge about our planet, about lives of all animate world, exceeding the volume of knowledge of the present global diversified science.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky considered, that science executes a social order for studying such philosophical concept that it professes at the given period of time.

In XX century the whole world recognized only a material sphere, and the science studied almost exclusively such world.

Vladimir I. Vernadsky's prediction that at the end of XX century the Man can cooperate with the Noo-sphere has come true.

Sixty five years ago he for the first time had publicly reported about the Noo-sphere in Moscow Society of Nature Analyzers but then contemporaries had not estimated an importance of this discovery.

And only in 65 years two more worlds have been opened for the mankind: the world of Reason and the world of Spirit; the giant field of knowledge - the sphere of Reason - became available.

The overall of Man's objective becomes movement to perfection of intelligence, and not just senseless accumulation of material riches.

Prophecy of Nostradamus comes true:

Well, with what we shall come by the twenty first century?

Descended from the burning sky - now the master of Mankind

The end and the beginning of century involve the rebellious Man,

Openings of Mars are the menace of freedom.

Past in him will be alive in the present,

And the thoughts would save, as fresh wine in cellars.

Such merry fellow adorned by immortal,

And the church had lost any fear against simple word.

A Man - the son of God has been given birth by the Lord and placed in paradise in heavens, had a walk among burning stones of Wisdom, but, having made an original sin, - has broken a commandment: " you do not eat a fruit from the Tree of Good and Evil ", has been sent from Heavens to the Earth; having the predestination to be the lord, he became a slave.

In XXI century due to a bio-computer a Man will see the new knowledge, he can become the righteous son of the Heavenly Father and become the master of the Earth or the lord. He can find the grains of truth in the past and recover them now.

A Man - as a righteous son, will be relieved of illnesses, sufferings by the Father, he will become a merry fellow and will find an eternal life for his soul.

The church - Divine House in Russia, - at last, will preach in Russian.

Well, for now rebellious leaders, adherents of the God of war - Mars, kindle military conflicts.

In 1998 on the World Russian Cathedral the union of religion and science was officially proclaimed. Without it the formation of moral society in Russia is impossible.

Scientific and Research Centre for Nano- and Biocomputer Technologies INTELLECT became the leader in scientific researches, concerning the essence of sphere of Reason, reason of Man, and has started a formation of the international association of scientists specializing on studying of inner world and the world of Reason.

Bio-computer technologies and people's contacts with the Noo-sphere let us form a new global scientific paradigm for the next two centuries, and change the false objective - to accumulate material riches, with a new true objective of a reasonable man to accumulate and perfect his mind and wisdom. Owing to the revelation of a huge potential of human's mind a man can carry out his main predestination to be the lord of the Earth.

The previous paradigm based on accepting only one-dimensional material world is gone to the past. This scientific paradigm did not let science find out the true origin of the Earth, and life on this planet, as well as it did not help to succeed in revealing people's intellectual abilities. As a result of following this paradigm a man is at a deadlock of myths. A man can become a slave with one and only goal - to work (to become a slave - in Russian). He has too many obstacles and limits that prevent him from revealing his abilities and talents. He is not supposed to have his own view of events and processes that take place in the world. He can't state his opinion freely. He can't have an influence on decisions taken by the government. Mass media entrusted itself with a mission to form the public opinion suppressing the intellect and making people obtuse as well as developing their wild animal instincts. It propagates and idolize evil, violence, money-grubbing, physical and spiritual depravity, and deriving advantage from everything. Using this paradigm, the educational system yields trivial and mostly unnecessary knowledge from the giant field of invaluable knowledge accumulated by the mankind for many thousand years. Physics, as a global science, studies only visible events that take place in the material world, which makes only one third and mostly insignificant part of its displays. Physicists trust only those instruments that are made of material things instead of trusting the most perfect instrument ever invented in the world - a Man himself, the man who is able to analyse and generalise all knowledge that we get from our material instruments.

The old paradigm has neither formed moral bases of our society, nor could explain what good and evil mean.

The new paradigm will let the mankind to eradicate defects of the previous paradigm and make an essential step in perfection of everyone and the whole society.

Now the mankind is ready to apprehend this new paradigm. It is even going to dedicate the main agenda of a world exhibition Expo-2005, that will take place in Japan, to the Wisdom of Nature. The Russian delegation will report on The Harmony of Noo-sphere.

The high level of our bio-computer technologies makes it possible for our specialists to make forecasts that really come true as well as to find the best solution to all intellectual, economic, and organizational matters of the enterprise. It also helps to find the best solution to all private, family and inner-world problems of a person. Our specialists can do almost everything.

The Center invites to cooperation venture funds, enterprises, firms, individuals who are eager to take part in the intellectual revival of Man.

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